Crime Stoppers was started in Perryton - Ochiltree County in January 1989. Crime Stoppers has grown over the years with the community. Crime Stoppers functions through a joint effort between citizens, law enforcement, and the media. Crime Stoppers is a non-profit organization and the involvement of private businesses and citizens is essential. Crime Stoppers offers up to $1000.00 for information Crime Stoppers receives if the information leads to an arrest or indictment on unsolved crimes. Persons who call Crime Stoppers will remain anonymous.
Perryton-Ochiltree County Crime Stoppers along with KEYE, the Perryton Herald, and this web site, feature a "crime of the week" where each week local law enforcement agencies feature an unsolved crime. The facts are broadcast on KEYE, printed in the Perryton Herald, and placed on this web site. Callers with information can call the Crime Line at 435-CLUE (2583) and If your information leads to an arrest and indictment you will receive a cash reward.
Crime Stoppers and the Ochiltree County Sheriffs Department provide the Perryton Herald each week with a list of persons which have outstanding warrants, this is called the "fast fifty". Crime Stoppers will pay $50.00 for information which leads to an arrest of persons who are wanted by Law Enforcement. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $100.00 if for a felony arrest and conviction.
The affairs of the Perryton - Ochiltree County Crime Stoppers' are managed by the Board of Directors with the assistance of the Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is made up of local citizens which represent the community. A board member may not serve more than two consecutive terms or four years. A person may be re-elected after being off the board for one or more years. Crime Stoppers operates under the guidelines set forth by the Texas Crime Stoppers Advisory Council under the Governor of the State of Texas. Elections for Perryton - Ochiltree County Crime Stoppers are held each November. Crime Stoppers meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, and the public is invited.